About Us​

Since 1952 we have been offering quality texts to the vast public who appreciate us,
both in terms of content and editorial content, in the professional and university fields.

What do we do?

Although medicine has always been the beating heart of Piccin, our books span all disciplines, from the biological to the technical-scientific, from the legal-economic to the literary-philosophical.

You will find in our catalogue the most important Italian and foreign authors, those already established and well-known, and also new authors who stand out for the validity and originality of their contributions, but are excluded from the publishing proposals of multinational groups.

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The PICCIN publishing house, with its decades of experience in the medical-scientific sector, provides all interested parties with convenient VIDEO CONTENTS that you can easily follow online.
Our vision

About Us

"brave choices, for the love of science disclosure."

The independence of our publishing house also allows us to make courageous choices, for the love of the dissemination of science that has always distinguished us.

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